Bethel's Bible Recap group invites you to join them in reading the New Testament during the months of November and December. Join us on Mondays at 4:45pm in the Bethel Offices. Newcomers are always welcome! Contact Ken Ven Huizen or Jodi Siebrecht for more information.

Bible Readers!

This year, we have been using The Bible ReCap with Tara Leigh Cobble to read through the Bible. This is a chronological plan, so we skip around scripture somewhat, but it gives us a sense of the story of the Bible.

This group of people has met weekly to discuss the study guide questions provided with the plan. We've grown to love this time together, and miss it when we're not able to be there, or miss people who can't make a weekly session. We've also grown to love God deeper, and our weekly "God Shots" give us a better understanding of God's character.